Couples Therapy

One of the biggest myths about couples therapy is that things need to be disastrous before getting help.

You didn’t enter into your relationship expecting to seek couples therapy down the track, and you might even be questioning whether things are “bad enough” to need it. You are desperate to find your way back to one another.

There is no reason you need to wait until things are falling apart before seeking the support that you both need.

Perhaps life circumstances, loss or changes have added stressors to your everyday life and these are bubbling over into your relationship.

Maybe you’ve brought a child into the world and unsure how to navigate the inevitable change that happens in your relationship.

Sometimes, for whatever reason we have different ideas on how to parent but the tiredness and effort required to do the parenting makes it hard to understand one another and get on the same page.

Or are you desperate to rekindle more intimacy and closeness in this season of your relationship?

One thing you do know is that the other person is worth trying for.

Who I Work With

Couples therapy sessions are for those traversing life changes that come along with the perinatal and parenting period including:

  • Navigating grief, including infertility, pregnancy loss and child loss.

  • Enhancing communication so that you both feel heard and understood.

  • Regulating intense emotions during conflict.

  • Improving closeness and intimacy.

  • Navigating differences in parenting styles

What We Do…..

We don’t just talk about feelings (although this is of course very important), but focus on skill development so that each of you feels heard, seen, respected, and valued day-to-day within your relationship. 

Learning new ways to relate to one another can bring up a lot of vulnerable emotions. When you allow yourself to access and share these emotions a deeper and more meaningful connection can occur between you both. 

You will never be alone in your vulnerability. I will be here acknowledging and supporting you to express what you need to.

Using the Gottman Approach to Couples Therapy we use this time to understand the abilities and skills required to facilitate a lasting and loving relationship and work towards shared meaning in your lives together.

Getting couples therapy does not always mean your relationship is in crisis, it might just mean you care and love each other enough to want to make your relationship the best it can be. 


$280 per session. 

All sessions are via Telehealth. 

If you and your partner are ready to get the support to guide you home to one another, please get in touch.